My Beloved Husband- Kim and our Dear Son, Franz
September 2001, I met Kim in a band practice in my Tito's house... He's the lead guitarist, my Tito's the lead vocalist... He became my friend.. I even called him "Kuya" before...

Well, he's five years older than me... He was courting another girl... I saw how much he loved the girl, disregard all the hurtful things that were said and done to him, and did his best to make it work... But the girl didn't appreciate what he did... And then I wasl also in a relationship with one of his friends.. I did everything and more... But he took me for granted.. Both hurt, we started talking to ach other a lot... I write him little notes with quotes and stuff... He calls me everyday from work... We became best friends... And then it happened... Time came when we weren't able to deny what was there... What's happening between the two of us...
January 10, 2002, we became officially on... I broke up with the other regretfully, I did it after my relationship with Kim started... But I was confused then and I don't know how to do it... The other bandmates/friends learned about it too... Many bonds were broken... I was bothered with hate phonecalls, even letters...
February 13, 2002, we decided that we can't bear to be away from each other anymore... We started living together... And I got pregnant a month later...
November 05, 2002, we got married- civil wedding...
December 11, 2002, Francis Albert Domingo was born..
Named after his Grandfathers, Francisco and Alberto, he made everyone who saw him smile. Born 9.4 lbs., at 7:15 am, he never failed to made me feel happy since then...
Now he's 4 and will go to school on June... He loves counting and counts everything that he see... Coins, birds, doors, pillows, everything...
Papa and Christian
Papa, my best friend, and even when given a chance to choose a father, I will still choose him any time of the day... Who would trade having a Rod Stewart look-a-like for a father? And have the coolest collection of Pinoy Rock music playing in the background while you do your thing? a father who's always ready to bail you out of trouble where school is involved? And tries his best to give you everything that you need... Yeah... I am a spoiled Papa's Girl... Live with it...
Christian, my brother that I sooooo soooooo miss sooooooo muuuchhhh.... I dunno how else I can express how much I miss him...

I feel like I'm losing alot... He should be growing up somewhere near me... Or I should be somewhere near him while he's growing up...

But time will come that we'll be together again... And we're gonna bond over kicking some butt... Well, in a game maybe...
Tito Freddie, Tito Tony, Ferdinand, Derick, Mike, Jeff, Red, Kurt
Tito Freddie, my kabarkada Tito, has a great singing voice only not taken good care of... Make him sing "Think of Laura" and you'll agree...
Tito Tony, I will never forget all of his efforts for me... May it be for my debut, for Santa Cruzan, and for our family out-of-towns...
Ferdinand, my chatter cousin who never grow tired of talking to me over nonsense stuff and shares my addiction to MU Online..
Derick, the Guitar Man, He used to be so absorbed whenever I tell him scary stories...
Mike, Jeff, Red, Kurt, The younger ones more likely to be Franz' playmates...
Tatay Nanding and Tatay Arnulfo
Tatay Nanding, I miss him so much... Wish we had more time together...
Tatay Arnulfo, I'm looking forward to his moving back here to the Philippines...
Tito Fred and Tito Romy
Really, really missed... Okei, I'll scan a better photo of you... It's in our bedroom wall so I'll try tomorrow Okay?

I know you'll be waiting for us, Jo... I'm sure you are... Wish I could hug you again...
Of course, I won't forget the Women in my Life... And you're next...

*Posted on February 24, 2007